A book review of Water Harvest by Eric Diehl
Water Harvest is an electronic novel that was given to me by the author to review. The book is science fiction in genre and takes place on another planet called Kast'ar. Kast'ar is orbited by several moons and each of these moons has a colony on it. The colonies aren't able to obtain water from the moons so they take water from Kast'ar. This leaves the inhabitants of Kast'ar to have to combat these harvesters to defend their water supplies for their own survival. The head of the Kast'ar inhabitants is House Alar which is lead by Lord Gar and his son Cairn. The story begins when the people of Kast'ar are preparing for the Harvest, and they are overrun by one of the lunar colonies led by Teigor Valiir. Valiir uses advanced technology the houses of Kast'ar haven't seen and is able to completely defeat House Alar, taking Lord Gar, Cairn, and Cairn's love, Neilai. Valiir is also aided by a Guild member named Gezladorn who uses certain substances t...