Speaking of Hunger Games

So I finished the entire Hunger Games series a while ago, but when my husband finally decided to give it a try, I picked it back up again so that we could discuss it together. We both really enjoy the series and can't wait till we go see the movie (see my review of the movie coming this Friday). However, I was quite disappointed in how it ended. *SPOILER ALERT* I understand that Katniss went through quite a lot throughout the course of the books and that it had emotional ramifications, but in my opinion, Peeta went through much more than Katniss. Yet he's still able to work through his issues toward some semblance of a normal life. It seems like a bit of a cop out that Gale just goes away, Katniss marries Peeta, and that she finally caves and has children even though she admittedly does it just for Peeta. What is it? Their both so damaged that it forms a bond between them that eventually turns to love? And how can Katniss love someone, let alone live with someone or much worse have children with someone, who might have an episode and try to kill her at anytime? I have to be frank and say that I'm quite disappointed. I don't think the ending lives up to the powerful story of the rest of the series. It's not bad enough that it sours the whole thing for me, and I would still recommend it to nearly everyone. I would be interested to see what they thought of the ending though, and if they agreed with me.

For anyone who's interested, here's the trailer to the movie. I get chills every time I watch it.


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