Aurora, Dark Knight, and Spoilers

I know everyone is talking about this issue, and I know it's been a week basically so I'm a little late to the subject. But I watch a show on Hulu called Spoilers with Kevin Smith. It's a weekly online only show where Kevin Smith takes an audience to see a movie together and then brings them back to do the Spoiler show where they talk about how they felt about that movie. The people in the audience aren't critics; they're normal people who like movies and have opinions. In the most recent episode, Kevin Smith talked about how this most recent episode was supposed to be his favorite because he knew that he was going to see The Dark Knight Rises, and he had been looking forward to it for so long. When the tragedy hit, the people at Spoilers were at a loss as to what to do because the show is normally very upbeat, excited, even silly sometimes about the movies that they see and obviously that wouldn't be appropriate. So Kevin and his people decided to still go see ...